The direct mission of vMOBilize is to increase rates of political participation in primary elections among eligible voters who are less politically engaged and who do not normally turn out in primaries. We hope to do this in an effort to make the primary electorate look more like the American electorate. By engaging new and less habitual voters, our aim is to help elect leaders who view the American people as their constituents. In this way, we will help reduce political polarization and political gridlock, and restore a spirit of compromise aimed at serving the interests of all of the people.
Primaries dominated by party insiders and activists, while most voters stay home.
These small groups of voters elect candidates who will serve their interests rather than those of the broader public
General electinon candidates are beholden to and represent narrow segments of the public
Election winners do not represent the interests of average Americans
Washington is increasingly polarized, less able to pass crucial legislation.
More average Americans vote in primary elections
These voters choose party representatives whose priorities reflect those of average voters who are their constituents
Primary winners are beholden to their full constituencies rather than narrow niches of voters
Election winners represent the interests of average Americans
Washington is less polarized, more willing to pass legislation benefiting average Americans